

Distribution of timber structures in China and seismic damages analysis

【摘要】 我国木结构建筑历史悠久,除了古代木结构建筑,在广大的农村地区还存在许多木结构承重建筑.这些建筑大多没有经过正规的抗震设计,抗震性能较差,历次地震也表明此类建筑震害较为严重,往往造成了大量的人员伤亡及经济财产损失。对我国木结构主要分布情况进行了归纳整理,着重分析了西南、西北地震高烈度地区的木结构形式,并对木结构建筑的主要震害进行了总结.西南、西北地区存在着量大面广、危险性大的木构架承重建筑,威胁人民生命财产安全,急需进行加固修复。

【Abstract】 The history of wooden architecture in China is very long.In addition to the ancient wooden structure,there are still many load-bearing wood construction preserved in the vast rural areas.These buildings are mostly without formal seismic design,so there seismic performance is poor.The earthquake damages of these buildings in previous earthquakes are more serious.People’s lives and property are in great loss.The distribution of timber structures in China is presented in this paper.The timber struc…

【关键词】 木结构; 西南、西北地区; 震害; 抗震性能
【Key words】 timber structures; Southwest and Northwest of China; seismic damages; seismic behavior



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